We all know how stubborn dark spots can be and hence, getting rid of them is almost a herculean task. Did you know that these pesky spots appear due to excess melanin content? This melanin increases when your skin shields itself from the sun. The harmful sun rays oxidise melanin, which results in dark spots. Moreover, dark spots can be a result of acne scars and hormonal changes in the body. But worry not, as with regular prevention and care, you can not only stop them from increasing but also get rid of them entirely. Here’s a low-down on how to get rid of dark spots...

Swear by SPF

Skin damage due to sun exposure is a very well-known fact; the same UV rays are the real monsters behind dark spots. So to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun, make sure you wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day. You’d be surprised to learn that the sun can penetrate clouds and even snow. Hence, it is imperative to arm your skin with sunscreen irrespective of the weather conditions.

Cover up

Since UV rays are the one of the prime causes behind dark spots, make sure you cover up while stepping out in the sun. Sun damage can often slow down the healing process of an acne scar, which might cause some serious damage to your skin. Hence, the best thing to do is to wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses or carry an umbrella as you step out.

Rely on a spot corrector

It is imperative to rely on a product that specifically targets spots and scars because dark spots are a result of sun damage or acne marks. We suggest using the Fair & Lovely Anti Marks Treatment for your dark spots. It targets spots similar to a laser treatment and penetrates 3 layers deep to work on the marks from the roots. Moreover, its triple sunscreens offer sun protection and prevent the recurrence of marks. Sounds like magic? That’s because it is!

Stop touching your face

Remember how we told you about pimple popping being a skin taboo? We say this especially because popping a zit or even touching your face can spread bacteria in your skin worsening a pimple that might take the form of a scar. This why you need to keep your hands off your face if you truly want to ensure that your face is free of dark spots!



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